Daily post 05 Oct 2013 03:53 am

restaurant chianese

Producer – David Heyman

Producer – David Heyman and
co-writer – Jonás Cuarón

stars – Sandra Bullock & George Clooney

star, co-writer,
producer – George Clooney

director, co-writer,
producer – Alfonso Cuarón

star, co-writer – George Clooney

Alfonso Cuarón, David Heyman,
Sandra Bullock, Jonas Cuarón

star, Sandra Bullock

star, Sandra Bullock

The images above are the celebrities that came a’visiting to the Academy Q&A talk back for its members after their film, GRAVITY, was screened on Wednesday.

The film, itself, was very reminiscent of the original ALIEN, except that the only Alien in this film is Outer Space. Fifteen minutes into the film keeping the audience in a breathless state,and not much really was happening.

Amid Amdi at Cartoon Brew suggested that there might be no live action in the film and that it was all just photo-realistic animation. This could easily have been the case for the 90 min film, though it would have been something of a disappointment regardless. We pay for the stars, here, not the animation.


The Morgan Library in NY has POE Exhibition.

Currently on display at the NY Pierpont Morgan Library is an exhibit of artwork, letters, and artifacts from the life of Edgar A. Poe. This is more of an interest to me than it is you, but I encourage you to go just the same. He was one.of NY’s geniuses and what better way to celebrate his life.

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