Photos &T.Hachtman 09 Dec 2007 09:26 am

MOMA Backstage Photosunday

- It’s already history, but my friend animation director, Ray Kosarin, was there with his camera. I asked if his pictures could go up on my blog. Here are some of them.

The first few photos are from the Saturday-before party held in my studio.
Of course, as usual, click any photo to enlarge.

Here’s Giuliana Nicodemi, me (getting fatter by the second) and Signe Bauman in the foreground. In the background: Jason McDonald and the back of Jimmy Picker’s head.

Here’s David Levy and his companion, Debbie.

George Griffin and John Canemaker chat and eat in the back of the studio.

Ken Brown stands to the left of Cathy and John Celestri.







Jimmy Picker stood still for this nice snap.


The remaining pictures were shot at MOMA’s auditorium after the completion of the event.
I look relieved; others are looking forward to the cocktails held in the museum restaurant next door, where the remainder of the pictures were taken.

Note: these pictures don’t wholly present these beautiful people in the best light. It was dark, and the flash made the backdrops even darker. But I still think it’s a good record of people having a good night.

_The pic on the left shows me in the back of the auditorium standing in front of the
_projection booth. On the right, Heidi Stallings (l) and Giuliana Nicodemi (r) flank me
_and keep me laughing.

After my session, I must have felt above it all when chatting with Maxine Fisher (l) and
Lisa Crafts (r) in the auditorium.

Here’s Debbie Solomon questioning me about something in the music for the titles of
Garbo Talks which was screened in a very rough state.

__Candy Kugel chats on the left, and Bridget Thorne moves out into the cold to get
__to MOMA’s restaurant, next door.

We tried to coax Giuliana into coming to the restaurant next door to continue the chat,
but she had to leave.

Adrian Urquidez (l) and Dave Levy (r) have a cocktail as Matt Clinton (center) arrives
at the restaurant.

Heidi gets into a spirited conversation with Jason McDonald (l) and Matt Clinton (r).

Chris Boyce (far right) was also part of their chat.

Here I’m chatting with Tom Hachtman about “Pabs First Burger.” It’s the short I did
adapting Tom’s comic strip, Gerturde’s Follies, and this was the first time it was
screened locally on a big screen. Joey Epstein stands to the left.

In the eeriest light possible, Candy Kugel (l) chats with Bridget Thorne (r) and Steve MacQuignon (cent).

__ __
__Jason and Heidi continue talking on the left, and John Canemaker looks a bit evil
__as he talks with Mike Barrier, just off camera.

Editor, Paul Carrillo, and animator, Matthew Clinton, enjoy the refreshments.

__Matthew Clinton caught alone in the left; Steve MacQuignon solo on the right.

Thanks again to Ray Kosarin for sharing the photos with us.

One Response to “MOMA Backstage Photosunday”

  1. on 10 Dec 2007 at 8:48 am 1.Stephen said …

    It was a Good night. Thank you Ray for taking the pics.

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