Animation Artifacts &Disney &Peet &Story & Storyboards 14 Apr 2008 07:52 am

101 Dalamatians – Seq 3 Pt 1

- To continue with my presentation of the storyboard for 101 Dalmatians, I have two more photos of the Bill Peet boards loaned me by John Canemaker. As with other similar posts, I’ve broken them up so that I can post them as large as possible. Below is the photo of this board as is.

I’ve broken it down by line of drawings and split that into two.

(Click any image you’d like to enlarge.)

______________________________________To continue with the next board tomorrow.

3 Responses to “101 Dalamatians – Seq 3 Pt 1”

  1. on 14 Apr 2008 at 12:51 pm 1.Chris said …

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post these they are a complete course in storyboarding! I had always heard that Bill boarded the entire film himself but recently I believe I read that there were others that boarded on the film as well, is that true? Also any chance you have photostats from other films that highlight overlooked board artists like Joe Rinaldi or Vance Gerry? Thanks Michael, your blog is always an invaluable history lesson!

  2. on 14 Apr 2008 at 1:06 pm 2.Chris said …

    Also I was just reading the interesting comments on the last post of storyboards regarding the differences between Sword in the Stone and Dalmations. In Peet’s autobiography he seems to indicate that Walt left him alone on Dalmations more than any other film and in another book someone indicated that once Walt saw the finished film he hated it. Sword in the Stone is less plot driven than Dalmations and more like the loose situational structure of Jungle Book, a film Walt had a huge story influence on. The extras on the Jungle Book dvd seem to indicate that Peet’s original boards for the movie were much more plot driven and structured and Walt didn’t think thats what an audience wanted. So to me it would seem that Walt is what happened to Sword in the Stone. Although I haven’t read the book I understand it doesn’t hvae the structure to build a film on, so maybe it was just a misstep by Peet?

  3. on 15 Apr 2008 at 12:20 am 3.Tom Stathes said …

    Hi there Michael,
    Great blog reads as always!
    I sent an email to your studio address and am just wondering if you received it.

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