Disney &Layout & Design 09 Sep 2008 07:54 am

Pin Moments 2

- Here’s a bit of a breakdown of one of my favorite scenes in Pinocchio during the “Actor’s Life For Me” song. The background and all the overlay/multiplane elements rotate during the move.

(Click any image to enlarge.)

The above two images came from John Canemaker ‘s book
Treasures of Disney Animation.

Here are frame grabs from the scene:

How daring for them to have the characters mostly obscured by foreground buildings
or walking off the bottome of the screen. Walt was ultimately the one who made
this decision, but a lot of other people did it along the way.

I doubt you’d see this staging in a current film.

Here’s a QT movie of the frame grabs represented above – it offers a different way of viewing what’s going on in the actual scene.

Pinocchio walks –
not true to actual speed.

7 Responses to “Pin Moments 2”

  1. on 09 Sep 2008 at 8:30 am 1.Tim Hodge said …

    I’ve read that Shamus (Jim) Culhane worked a lot on the Fox, Honest John, but do you know if this is one of his scenes?
    The perspective on the characters is just amazing!

  2. on 09 Sep 2008 at 9:55 am 2.Michael said …

    I’m sorry; I should have included that information in the post. Preston Blair and Ugo D’Orsi animated this scene. Ken O’Connor did the Layout.

  3. on 09 Sep 2008 at 1:01 pm 3.Thad said …

    This is a great, daring bit of cinematography. Pinocchio will never be at the top of my list, but there’s things like this that I wish the later features had more of.
    But, YECH, those DVD colors are horrible. I hope they don’t screw around with them on the new edition.

  4. on 09 Sep 2008 at 3:45 pm 4.Jenny Lerew said …

    I wonder exactly why it was staged this way? I would love to read the notes(and you know there are notes)of the discussions ether in or after the story sessions. Just looking at it here, and imagining the scene in the film as it appears there, maybe it was done this way to really plant Pinoke being led down the twisting, squirrelly, slightly obscured streets of the town into mischief and worse by the fox & cat…the OLs and blackness of the shapes looming overhead…it can’t be just showing off “because they could“. It certainly is brilliant. This has always been my favorite Disney feature overall.

  5. on 09 Sep 2008 at 8:36 pm 5.Simon Ward-Horner said …

    I love this movie and this is just one of its many impressive moments. The way Disney would draw you into the environments of the early features is magical and to my mind, has never been repeated in so effective a way.
    Thanks for this…and for your many excellent posts…I don’t like missing a day at this site.

  6. on 10 Sep 2008 at 6:09 am 6.Scott Harpel said …

    I can not wait for the plethora of material from Disney and from here and other sources once we finally get that Blu Ray finally.

  7. on 29 Aug 2010 at 9:16 am 7.Steven Hartley said …

    What did D’Orsi do: shadows?

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