Animation Artifacts 21 Feb 2006 06:51 am

Bambi bits

- Yesterday I came across a chat room discussion about the original Bambi (as opposed to the newer one about to be released). Once I hit this sentence, I had to stop reading: “But the new Bambi sequel is much easier on the eyes than the old Bambi, and from what I saw from that 10 minute clip, I think I’m going to enjoy the sequel a lot more.”

It depressed me too much to continue reading, and I was reminded why I should stay away from animation forums and chat rooms.

To that writer, I devote this posting of some bits and pieces of a Life Magazine article published at the time of Bambi’s original release.

(Click on any of the above images to enlarge to a readable size.)

This material was originally given to me by Jim Logan. I owe the memory of him a long column or twenty, and I will post it eventually.

- Marc Hairston has an interesting posting about Miyazaki, the Oscars and Howl’s Moving Castle at FPS.

- Newsday has an entertaining interview with Tim Burton regarding his Oscar nomination for The Corpse Bride.

5 Responses to “Bambi bits”

  1. on 21 Feb 2006 at 1:22 pm 1.Jenny Lerew said …

    Michael–there are so many doofus opinions in those chat room/bulletine boards….I’ve subscribed to a few once in a while and yes, it gets horribly depressing when you read stuff like that. I too give it up as too aggravating. I can’t understand how anyone couldn’t see the gulf between “Bambi” and “Bambi II” on every level, but it probably has to do with the viewer only seeing the original on TV under the worst, most distracting conditions. I feel so lucky to have grown up during the 7-year rerelease years, and saw all these films only on big screens until the 80s. Younger former kids have no idea what they’re missing.

  2. on 04 Aug 2006 at 3:06 pm 2.Carsten Corleis said …

    “Bambi II” was not a bad film. It was well made and fortunately not a insult to the original movie, but if you compare it with the awesome poetry, fantasy and art of the 1942 original movie… it is like comparing a little flashlight and a lighthouse-fire.

  3. on 25 Jun 2007 at 8:51 pm 3.steve said …

    Would you know the date of issue of Life that had Bambi ad?

  4. on 19 Oct 2010 at 11:44 am 4.JC said …

    ¿don’t you have a Pecos Bill similar to those pictures of Bambi? I meanm are there storyboards or concepts?

  5. on 19 Oct 2010 at 12:03 pm 5.Michael said …

    I’m not much of a fan of PECOS BILL, so I haven’t searched for material. What I have posted can be found here.

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