Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Illustration 29 Sep 2011 07:24 am

Kin-Der-Kids 2

- The Whitney Museum is currently hosting a show of artwork by Lionel Feininger. To have some connection with the show, I thought it’d be a good time to post some more of the Kin-Der-Kids comic strip that he’d done in 1906. Bill Peckmann had sent more pages. I hope you enjoy this artist’s work; it was a daring comic strip for the time.

You can see my past posts on Feininger’s comic strip work at: Kin-Der-Kids, Wee Willie Winkie

The Dover book cover











2 Responses to “Kin-Der-Kids 2”

  1. on 29 Sep 2011 at 2:25 pm 1.The Gee said …

    One of that things that always pleases me is being reminded of how much the Fantastic/Fantastical Stuff was dabbled with back in early comic strips.

    I guess it also showed up around that time and slightly before in literature with Lewis Carroll’s books and those of other novelists. And, I guess there is that Trip to the Moon film and other silent movies, too.

    But, to see hand drawn Fantastical stuff from back then in four-colors or like McCay’s “Rarebit Fiends” short is …yowza!

    Thanks for sharing these.

  2. on 29 Sep 2011 at 9:50 pm 2.Joel Brinkerhoff said …

    “Le Tableau” by Jean François Laguionie is as close to what I imagine a film by Lionel Feininger might look like although the subject matter is more grounded and easily assessable. The comic strip “The Kin-der-kids” raises a lot of questions for me like who is Mysterious Pete? And what about that wind-up toy Japansky? What the heck is it? All and all I love Feininger for his design and the mystery his strip has conjured up.

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