Photos &Steve Fisher 12 Feb 2012 06:31 am


- I’m not much of a football fan. I am a New Yorker. So when the hometown team goes to the Super Bowl, I have to admit it means something. It meant I had to check into the game every few minutes to see what was going on. Just the same, I was more interested in “Downton Abbey” last Sunday than in any of the car commercials.

Then there was the ticker-tape parade on Monday. It barely affected me. However, I received a slew of photos from Steve Fisher, who decided to take it in. It feels like a couple of months ago, now, but these are Steve’s photos. The comments are his as well.

It was such a beautiful weather day today, I decided
to brave the crowds to attend the ticker-tape parade
celebrating the NY Giants Superbowl victory on Sunday.

This is the scene that greeted me upon my arrival to downtown Manhattan.

It took me twenty minutes to maneuver my way one block
toward Worth Street, but this was as close as I could get.

While waiting for the ‘heroes’, the happy, rather well-behaved fans
provided some entertainment of their own, climbing trees…

And other things, including one idiot who tried to climb a building.

But don’t worry about crowd control, the police had it covered.

When do you think this kid will have to start shaving?

When the float carrying the Giant players finally drove past, this is all I could see.

This is perhaps the only glimpse I had of one of the Giants, although
without his uniform with number and name, I really couldn’t swear to it.

And while I did not get anywhere near the “Canyon” of Broadway
where the ticker-tape must have been very impressive,
I still saw a small taste of the effect.

As the festivities wound down, the last marching band
threaded through the crowd, but the only way I could
see it was watching someone’s phone.

The only thing left to do besides getting all the Mannings out of the trees . . .

. . . was to set fire to a Jets cap belonging to an unthinking person
who wore it into enemy territory.

But the highlight for me was this Giants fan.


Finally, that’s over. Now, it’s time for BASEBALL – onto my Yankees !

One Response to “Giants”

  1. on 28 Nov 2013 at 3:50 am 1.Shelby T Mitchell said …

    Great Pictures Michael. As love football. Only baseball I like are the Yankees surprise! Well still, great pictures.

    BTW off topic, bought on I Tunes Lyle Lyle Crocodile. Really great job. As wished the late great Bernard Waber would had made more cartoons. But who knows, never too late! Hope you will consider it!

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