Animation &Animation Artifacts &Hubley &Layout & Design &Models 05 May 2009 07:36 am


- In the past, I’ve posted some of John Hubley and Tissa David‘s preliminary drawings for the picture, Eggs. I’ve got plenty of this artwork and I love it, so here’s some more.

Eggs was a short film which was rushed out at a low budget for a PBS show called The Great American Dream Machine, which was produced by designer, Elinor Bunin.

The film follows the political thoughts of John and Faith; they were concerned about overpopulation (there are at least four shorts they made about the subject) and were able to blatantly make a political short for this TV series.

Past posts of my can be seen here, and here.

There’s currently a copy of this short on YouTube.

These three drawings are character Layouts by John Hubley.

(Click any image to enlarge to animation-sized artwork.

This is a BG Layout John gave Tissa.

This drawing and all the remaining are Tissa David’s drawings.

She would block out her own rough Layout
before jumping in in to animate.

It gave her the chance to thoroughly think out what
little information John had given her. Usually just a
conversation with some very rough sketches.

This is Tissa’s Bg Layout for this scene.

One Response to “More EGGS”

  1. on 05 May 2009 at 10:14 am 1.richard o'connor said …

    These are drawings that communicate.

    There’s synergy in this collaboration -looking at your Glad Gladys post again drove this home. One drawing from Hubley, and Tissa understands the whole film. Same here.

    “Eggs” is possibly my favorite of the Hubley films. Along with segments of “Carousel” and “Moonbird” it serves up a deep emotional charge.

    That’s, in part, because it may be the best of their soundtracks (and that’s saying a lot). It may be Quincy Jones’ best work too (and that’s saying alot). “Doom doom doom doom…”

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