Books 21 Aug 2012 07:06 am

Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth & Mama’s Love

- I received the children’s book, Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth, illustrated by Sanjay Patel and written by Emily Haynes.

It’s the story of the elephant, Ganesha, and how he breaks his tusk on a jawbreaker. With tears in his eyes, he learns to use the tusk as a pen to write, and he ultimately writes The Mahabharata, all one hundred thousand verses. It’s the great epic poem of Hindu literature.

Like every other book sent me by the excellent publisher, Chronicle Books, I am a fan of Sanjay Patel‘s work. I’ve reviewed his work very favorably, for good reason. It’s excellent. Here are a couple of past posts: #1, #2, #3. The Ramayana is still his masterwork, but it’s nice to see material like this on the children’s shelf.

This is the cover of the book.

Many of the images are single pages, like the one above.

Most are doubled page spreads.

Another double page spread.

The drawing on the front inner cover. There’s
another, different one in the back of the book.

The drawing on the back cover.

Mr. Patel is an artist working for Pixar as an animator and storyboard artist. He’s made quite a name for himself with these beautiful publications. Chronicle books is the perfect home for him. Their books always feature wonderful detail and care.

Note that this book will officially be released on Sept. 19th, when I’ll mention it again.

I’d love to see Mr. Patel’s designs and art animated.


- Here’s a very different kind of book.
I received it in the mail; it came from Laura Bryson. Laura worked for me on a number of my half hour shows. She did Bgs on The Red Shoes, The Marzipan Pig and several others as well. I think The Strongest Love is Laura’s first book. She illustrated Katie McDonnell‘s verse story about a mother’s love. The book seems to be for a very young audience, but the illustrations are timeless. he publisher is Turn the Page.

Laura certainly wasn’t looking for me to review it; she was just excited to share it with a friend. However, I have to share the news (and maybe sell a book or two for her.)

Here are a couple of sample pages (every other page is illustrated against others that include the written, printed verse.)

The book’s cover



3 Responses to “Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth & Mama’s Love”

  1. on 21 Aug 2012 at 8:04 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …

    Both books look wonderful! Laura is a wonderful artist and she was a joy to work with back then.
    I will be putting both books on my wish list.

  2. on 26 Aug 2012 at 2:45 pm 2.Laura Bryson said …

    Thank you Michael so much for posting this! I am so touched and honored. I was catching up on your blog and learned about Tissa and your kindness to me. I will never be so tardy again! Tissa will always be indelible in my mind, and she leaves us all a little breathless.
    Steve, I thank you as well for your fantastic support; you are a gem!

  3. on 25 Sep 2012 at 11:50 pm 3.Cartoon Art Museum: Ganesha’s Sweet Tooth | Bay Area Itineraries said …

    [...] Michael Sporn Animation [...]

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